Monday, March 7, 2011

What I learned from reading a trashy tabloid...

     I was standing in line at the grocery store yesterday when the latest issue of Star Magazine caught my eye.  The cover said "Stars Lose Fight with Cellulite" and showed a number of people with dimple-covered thighs.  Intrigued, I picked up the magazine and found the photo spread inside.  Guess who has cellulite?  Britney Spears, Heidi Montag, Kate Gosselin, Gayle King, Hillary Swank, Kelly Clarkson, Katie Holmes and Jennifer Aniston.  Really, all of those beautiful, thin women have cellulite?

     This revelation started the wheels spinning in my head.  CELEBRITIES have cellulite, and I have cellulite, and many of my friends have cellulite.  Could it possibly be that MOST women have cellulite?  Shocking!

     I am well aware of the negative messages the media has been sending us about beauty.  I commend companies like Dove for taking a stand.  Their "Campaign for Real Beauty" is about teaching young girls to be self-confident.  They are committed to using "real" models in their ads, not the size 0 model that we often see in magazines.  I love their film that shows how a very average looking woman is turned into a billboard supermodel.[cp-documentid=7049579]

     Despite the fact that I know all of this, I have always felt I got the short end of the stick (cellulite speaking).  According to The Health Guide online, though, over 90 percent of women in the industrial world have cellulite.  (  Apparently, being part of the industrial world is where I went wrong!  If only I had been born somewhere in the rain forest of South America...

     So, this summer, I'm taking my cellulite covered thighs to the beach, where I will be introducing them to a whole bunch of other cellulite covered thighs.  If Jennifer Aniston and Katie Holmes have cellulite, then what the heck am I worried about?  Although, maybe THAT is the reason Brad left Jen.  I'll have to check into whether or not Angelina Jolie has any cellulite.  She's probably in the 10 percent, but we won't judge her for being so abnormal!    



1 comment:

  1. ...but how many men have cellulite? It's just ugly and you can't cover it all up. When you get as old as me, it seems to be everywhere, fingers, toes, you name it. I do love the Dove PR and ads about embracing your beauty. Thank goodness someone is listening to women and showing what's real. Thanks for the post!
